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信濃卓郎 農業現場における放射能対策の現状と今後 北海道土壌肥料研究レター 大2号 2020, 29-35.  リンク 『どんな内容click!』

Nathalie Leonhardt, Satomi Kanno, Shigeto Fujimura, Takuro Shinano, Jun Furukawa. "Contribution of K transporters to Cs uptake and accumulation in rice" ERAN, 10-11 March 2020, Fukushima 『どんな内容click!』


Kubo, K., Kobayashi, H.,Nitta, M., Takenaka, S., Nasuda, S., Fujimura, S., Takagi, K, Nagata, O., Ota, T. and Shinano, T. Variations in radioactive cesium accumulation in wheat germplasm from fields affected by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant accident.  『どんな論文click!』

Hachinohe, M., Fujimoto, R., Shinano, T., Kotake-Nara, E., Hamamatsu, S. and Kawamoto, S. Reduction in the radiocesium in meats of the sika deer and wild boar by cooking. Journal of Food Protection 2020, 83(3), 467-475. 『どんな論文click!』

Masui, N., Mochizuki, T., Tani, A., Matsuura, H., Agathokleous, E., Watanabe, T. and Koike, T. Does Ozone Alter the Attractiveness of Japanese White Birch Leaves to the Leaf Beetle Agelastica coerulea via Changes in Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs): An Examination with the Y- Tube Test. Forests, 2020, 11, 58;『どんな論文click!


信濃卓郎・和田敏裕「農水産における放射性セシウムの長期環境動態と将来予測ー農業現場と水産現場からー」が連載講座「福島第一原発事故に伴う放射性核種の長期環境動態と将来予想」で掲載されました。RADIOISOTOPES  2020, 69, 31-42, https://doi: 10.3769/radioisotopes.69.31 『どんな論文click!』

Ogasawara, S., Nakao, A., Eguchi, T., Ota, T., Matsunami., Yanai,j J. and Shinano, T. The extractability of potassium and radiocaesium in soils developed from granite and sedimentary rock in Fukushima, Japan. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2020, 323(1), 633-640,『どんな論文click!』


Tagami, K., Uchida, S., Shinano, T. and Pröhl, G. Comparisons of effective half-lives of radioacesium in Japanese tea plants after two nuclear accidents, Chernobyl and Fukushima. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2020, 213, 『どんな論文click!』


Shinano, T., Fujimoto, H., Maruyama, H., Watanabe, T., Takao, A., Kubo, K., Fujimura, S., Yin, Y-G. and Unno, Y. Radioactive Cesium Uptake Ability of Lupin. ESAFS 2019, Taipei, 2019.11.05『どんな内容click!』

信濃卓郎「根圏での元素動態における微生物機能の役割」農業農村工学会土壌物理研究部会 第58回研究集会”土壌ー根ー植物ー大気:根圏の水・物質動態と作物モデル” (筑波)2019.10.25『どんな内容click!』

Sugai, T., Yannan, W., Watanabe, T., Satoh, F., Qu, L. and Koike, T. Sat stress reduced the seedling growth of two larch species under elevated ozone. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2019, 2. article 52. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2019.00053『どんな論文click!』

青山奈央 優秀ポスター賞「コムギにおける根圏リン可給化形質の品種間差」植物の栄養研究会 第5回研究交流会(広島) 2019.9.21『賞状はclick!』

黒沼尊紀・久保堅司・信濃卓郎・石原竜彰・孔大徳・東島一成・安藤匡哉・渡辺均 屋上緑化芝地における大気汚染に関わる元素量の経年変化. 日本緑化工学会誌, 2019, 45(1), 33-38.『どんな論文click!』


Shinano, T., Matsunami, H., Kubo, K. Decontamination of agricultural fields and mitigation of radioactive cesium uptake after nuclear contamination by TEPCO's FDNPP accident - situation after 7 years -

Global Symposium on Soil Pollution, FAO 2018, 958-963. 『どんな論文click!』

Shinano, T. Research on ways to improve crop productivity through the regulation of rhizosphere environments. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition  2019 (


Tsuji, H., Shin, M., Taniguchi, K., Arai, H., Kurihara, M., Yasutaka, T., Kuramoto, T., Nakanishi, T., Lee, S., Shinano, T., Onda, Y. and Hayashi, S. Factors controlling dissolved 137Cs concentrations in East Japanse rivers. Science of the Total Environment 2019, (accepted for publication on 23rd Aug. 2019) 『どんな論文click!』

但野利秋先生を偲んで 日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 90(4) 巻頭頁(信濃)

​Kurihara, M., Shinano, T. et al. Repeatability and reproducibility of measurements of low dissolved radiocesium concentrations in freshwater using different pre-concentration methods. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2019,  『どんな論文click!』

Sadhyukhan, A., Watanabe, T. et al. Sensitive to Proton Rhizotoxicity1 Regulates Salt and Drought Tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana through Transcriptional Regulation of CIPK23. Plant and Cell Physiology  2019,  『どんな論文click!』

Fujiishi, M., Maejima, E. and Watanabe, T.  Effect of mixed cropping with lupin (Lupinus albus L.) on growth and nitrogen uptake in pasture grasses grown under manure application. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 2019, 『どんな論文click!』

Terrer, C., Koike, T., et al. Nitrogen and phosphorus constrain the CO2 fertilization of global plant biomass. nature climate change (accepted for publication)  『どんな論文click!』

Chu, Q., Sha, Z., Maruyama, H., Yang, L., Pan, G., Xue L. and Watanabe, T. Metabolic reprogramming in nodules, roots and leaves of symbiotic soybean in response to iron deficiency. Plant Cell and Environment. 2019, DOI: 10.1111/pce.13608 『どんな論文click!』

Furukawa, M., Takagi, K., Matsunami, H., Komatsuzaki, Y., Kawasaki, T., Shinano, T. and Takagai, Y. Rapid Quantification of Radioactive Strontium-90 in Fresh Foods via Online Solid-Phase Extraction-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Dynamic Reaction Cell-Mass Spectrometry and Its Comparative Evaluation with Conventional Radiometry, ACS Omega 2019, 4(6), 11276-11284 『どんな論文click!』

Sugai, T., Kitao, M., Watanabe, T. and Koike T. Can needle nitrogen content explain the interspecific difference in ozone sensitivities of photosynthesis between Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) and Sakhalin fir (Abies sachalinensis)? Photosynthetica, 2019, 57(2), 540-547. 『どんな論文click!』

橋本洋平, 和崎淳, 谷昌幸, 海野祐介, 俵谷圭太郎, 佐藤匠, 丸山隼人リン最前線ー分子から圃場レベルの土壌肥料学と植物栄養学の連携ー, 日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 2019, 90(3), 230-235. 『どんな論文click!』

渡辺誠,鈴木優輔,中島夕里, 市川一, 藤戸永志, 門松昌彦, 佐藤冬樹, 小池孝良 開放系オゾン付加施設内のバイオマス調査 ―エアースコッフプを利用した根圏調査の事例―,北方森林保全技術, 2019, 36, 25-28.

营井徹人,横山聡子,市川一,藤戸永志,藤田早紀,玉井裕,渡部敏裕,佐藤冬樹, 小池孝良 土場を想定した踏圧が植栽苗木の成長に及ぼす影響調査(予報) —グイマツ雑種F1を対象にした試験地の設定―, 北方森林保全技術, 2019, 36, 20-24 『どんな論文click!』

増井昇, 小池孝良,高木健太郎, 佐藤冬樹, 開放系03付加施設におけるシラカンバの虫害要因の探求一揮発性成分と昆虫の行動選択の関係性一, 北方森林保全技術, 2019, 36, 15-18

Kubo, K., Fujimura, S., Kobayashi, H., Ota, T. and Shinano, T. Effect of soil exchangeable potassium content on cesium absorption and partitioning in buckwheat grown in a radioactive cesium-contaminated field, Plant Production Science, 2017, 20, 396-405が2019年度の作物学会論文賞を受賞しました。『どんな論文click!』

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